Yes, we did name some of our original group of guinea fowl, Now we have over 100 and no way to name them all. These are our special ones that we started out with.
Rest In Peace, Debbie White.
Debbie was our confusion favorite. A sweet white girl that loved to lay her eggs in the pallet wall of the coop. She was a once in a lifetime guinea in the fact that she loved to be held and cuddled. I may create a page for her but for now she can stay here with the rest of her friends,

David is a Royal Purple. We believe him to be the leader of the group. He is often the last to coop up at night and enjoys chasing everyone around

Yes, I named a guinea fowl after myself. She is one of the louder girls. Just like me. And yes, her mate is David (after my boyfriend LOL) Laura is the lavender pictured with David.

Lonely Girl
Lonely Girl was not with the orginal crew. She came to us via a facebook ad. Advertising that all her friends had been killed and she was a “lonely girl”

Lewis is also a lavender. He is only this friendly for bread from the Amish store

Gibson, Lewis and David are thick as thieves. Gibson is our only adult white left. (We lost Edward a few months ago and Debbie last week. Gibson thoroughly enjoys harassing the new teenagers.

Robert Paulson
He is actually a grandparent. But he is the only suriving adult pied pearl we have after the great fox attack of 2024. We lost our wonderful lead fowl of the adult group and 3 other pied pearls.

Daniel was Debbies mate. Once Debbie became sick and moved out of the coop we started to be picked on. We tried to put them together, but he was overly excited to see her and it did not work. I worried he would hurt her. Now is in our grow out coop and may have selected a new little sweet girl for his mate! We shall see!